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Bridging the gap

Providing linkages to decrease and prevent homelessness

The proposed project will provide emergency, transitional, and permanent housing placement with comprehensive supportive services, including homebased case management, and referral services to Homeless populations.


Homeless and Low-Income Individuals and Families with Children, including Veterans and Single Fathers


Los Angeles City/County with Financial Support Nationwide


$23 million

Project Summary:




Service Population:

Geographic Area:


Funding Request:


Brenda Wilson & David Cohen, Directors

Bridge to Hope, Inc.

1008 59th Street Los Angeles, CA 90001

(562) 305-6155 - Direct Line

Lynda Moran, Deputy Director

Bridge to Hope, Inc.

1008 59th Street Los Angeles, CA 90001

(562) 305-6155 - Direct Line


Bridge to Hope, Inc. is proposing to provide a ‘One-Stop Shop’ for Temporary and Permanent Housing with Comprehensive Case Management Services. As a ‘one-stop shop’, clients can access any and all services at the facility, without going to several places to get their needs met.


I. Facility: A state of the Art (90 sq. ft.) facility, located in or near downtown Los Angeles that will hold 1,000 beds. Additionally, the facility must have office space for: Case Management, Security, General Shelter Operations; and four (4) rooms for the delivery of the following services: a Job Development Center, Computer Worksource Lab, Dress 4 Success/Clothing Closet, and a Medical Center.


II. Scope of Services: Transitional and Permanent Housing search and placement, transportation (tokens and limited taxi), financial move-in, rental, and utility assistance program; a Library/Literacy Center; a ‘Dress for Success’ program that includes a job employability skills workshop; money management classes; practical life skills training classes; financial assistance for the obtainment of: California ID cards, California Driver Licenses, prescriptions (uninsured only), Birth Certificates, gasoline (limited) petty cash, food and supermarket gift cards. Comprehensive Case Management services with a Home-Based Case Management Component, once placed into housing.


III. Service Populations: Homeless and Low-Individuals and Families with Children

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